Tuesday 29 October 2013

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Celebrities on Soap Operas Before They Were Famous
Friday September 30, 2011
Which of your favorite celebrities got their early start on soaps only to later make their way over to the big screen? We all fell in love with actor Josh Duhamel in everything from the Transformers saga to the romantic comedy Life as We Know It, but he wasn't always a movie guy. Where was he in his acting career before he hit the big time? The world of soap operas, if you can believe it.
Check out this fun list for a few others who went from the daytime small screen to the exciting world of blockbuster movies.Why is LeAnn Rimes Still Talking About the Affair?
Friday September 30, 2011
What will it take to finally get country singer LeAnn Rimes to move on and stop talking about the scandalous affair that she and Eddie Cibrian carried on? It's not even like she was the one who was scorned in the whole thing. Why must she continually bring this topic up each and every time she makes an appearance or gives an interview?
On The Ellen Degeneres Show this week, LeAnn felt the need to discuss the drama, yet again. Regarding the affair, she said it "could've been handled a lot better. But maybe we both didn't have the tools at the time to do it properly. But I've learned a lot. Obviously we all make choices that lead us into a different path, here and there, and you learn from those or you don't."
She went on to say (as if to justify something), "It obviously brought us to the place where we are now. And we're happy, and we're married. I think we have both come to a really good place in our lives. And right now, I'm really at peace."
That's all fine and good, but maybe if you're truly 'at peace' as you say, it's best to put it all behind you. For good.    Celebrity Sisters in Hollywood
Wednesday September 28, 2011
From Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen to Paris Hilton and Nicky, there are so many famous siblings in Tinseltown. Which celebrity sisters have made a name for themselves in Hollywood and how did they do it? Check out this gallery of photos highlighting some of the most famous celebrity sisters.
    Do Your Favorite Celebrities Tweet on Twitter?
Tuesday September 27, 2011
Are your favorite celebrities tweeting on Twitter? You might be surprised to learn that everyone from Britney Spears to Taylor Swift is jumping on the Twitter bandwagon. Behaving like a typical teenager, Miley Cyrus tweets that she hates having to wake up early and Ryan Seacrest ponders whether or not men should be allowed to sport Ugg boots. Find out how to follow the hottest celebrities on Twitter right here.
Stephen Fry
“We humans are naturally disposed to worship gods and heroes, to build our pantheons and valhallas. I would rather see that impulse directed into the adoration of daft singers, thicko footballers and air-headed screen actors than into the veneration of dogmatic zealots, fanatical preachers, militant politicians and rabid cultural commentators.”
― Stephen Fry, The Fry Chronicles
“If you truly love film, I think the healthiest thing to do is not read books on the subject. I prefer the glossy film magazines with their big color photos and gossip columns, or the National Enquirer. Such vulgarity is healthy and safe.”
“Just this past summer, I took online courses in introductory logic and law through civilization. Often the weight of history, with its facts heaped upon facts requiring complex chains of inference to sort through – I mean complex for someone with the soft brain of a tomato merchant; for me the premises are obvious and the conclusions dire and inescapable – threatened to crush me, and I was ultimately forced to abandon the whole undertaking. By way of recovery, I spent the rest of the summer immersed in a Freudian meditation on some choice tabloids. The mysterious lives of celebrities make for challenging induction. The reasoning process involves navigating many gaps in our knowledge of them. What is certain is that under the iceberg of glitz and glamor lie neurotic, depraved individuals with bizarre habits and hobbies, people who think they’re above the law.”

“I don’t have any regrets,” a famous movie actor said in an interview I recently witnessed. “I’d live everything over exactly the same way.”
“That’s really pathetic,” the talk show host said. “Are you seeking help?”
“Yeah. My shrink says we’re making progress. Before, I wouldn’t even admit that I would live it all over,” the actor said, starting to choke up. “I thought one life was satisfying enough.”
“My God,” the host said, cupping his hand to his mouth.
“The first breakthrough was when I said I would live it over, but only in my dreams. Nocturnal recurrence.”
“You’re like the character in that one movie of yours. What’s it called? You know, the one where you eat yourself.”
“The Silence of Sam.”
“That’s it. Can you do the scene?”
The actor lifts up his foot to stick it in his mouth. I reach over from my seat and help him to fit it into his bulging cheeks. The audience goes wild.”

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